
With its 70 empolyees, the headquarter is in Taipei, and the plant, having a monthly production capacity of 60 tons, is in Tan Shui, Taipei County, Most items are sold under the Magtech brandname, and OEM orders are also available. 40 percent of its output are experts, while 60 percent are marketed domestically.

6115 sq.m

No.172, Dingtianliao Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: 886-2-26251045 Fax: 886-2-26232621.


Production: 50
QC: 5
Other: 3

Powder Mixer: 4 |
Moulding Machine: 11 units |
Sintering Oven: 3 unites |
Grinding Machine: 5 units |
Magnetizer: 4 units |
Magnetic Generators: 10 units |
Demagnetizer: 10 units, Miller Machine: 10 units, B-H Curve Tracer: 1 unit |
Washing Machine: 1 unit, Lab. Sintering Equipment: 3 unit |

Ferrite Magnets |
Flexible Rubber Magnets |
Rare Earth Magnets |
Bio-Magnets |
Magnetic Applications |
Magnetic Holders |